This is Christ's Church. There is a place for you here. We seek to live into who we are: part of the body of Christ, engaged in doing God's work. We gather in worship and are sent out in mission in the world. We recognize that God's mission is bigger than us, yet it includes us. God seeks to reconcile the whole world in Christ, to create safe and peaceful communities, to bring an end to oppression, discrimination, and injustice. Among other things, we are involved in feeding hungry children and making quilts for Lutheran World Relief. We practice hospitality that welcomes everyone in worship. We operate a child care center that provides a safe, caring Christian environment for the children who are enrolled. We consider ourselves to be stewards of creation, particularly the church grounds that we are entrusted to care for.
We invite you to deepen your faith by participating in worship, caring for creation, feeding the hungry, engaging in prayer and study, and being good stewards of what God has entrusted to you.